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ray-sanfordBut don’t stop the peaceful protest. At the least be a “mouse warrior”

Contact the Evangelical Lutheran Church of American

Read “No More Shocks for Ray” 


During this delay: How you may easily and peacefully protest Ray’s future forced electroshock from wherever you are.

Truly, it’s time for all of us Americans to make a friendly visit or phone call to your local ELCA church.  Given all the great and caring Lutherans I know, I feel it is highly likely there are individual participants who will be concerned, or who at least will not reply with sarcasm.

You may find a local church with this handy ELCA congregation finder on the web, just plug in your zip code:


Whether or not you do such outreach, remember to contact Bishop Hanson here:

Ray Sandford’s forced electroshock today was postponed today.

As has happened many times before, early this morning Ray was woken up in his assisted living home and escorted to a psychiatrist’s waiting room at Mercy Hospital north of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

As he often does, Ray complained about his physical health. In the past his complaint has not made a difference. This time it did.

A medical staff person told Ray his involuntary electroshock was canceled that morning, citing Ray’s physical health as the reason.

Ray returned home and called the MindFreedom office, saying, “It was a miracle. They were ready to go. I was sitting in the hallway where you wait. There’s a big picture of one of my former doctors on the wall that I was looking at. I was twiddling my thumbs. And someone came out and said, ‘Oh by the way you’re not going to get ECT today.’ As far as I am concerned that was a miracle. I was prepared for the worst. I am delighted.”

It’s not over yet, of course. Ray is supposed to have a check-up next week to see if his forced electroshocks may be rescheduled.

Well, tonight as I am working on my computer I have the televison turned to “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit”

I confess that I like to what this show. They are saying that bipolar disorder is inherited and then they go about trying find “imbalanced” people in the family. So one of the main character’s daughter is having problems and they are trying to committed.

Detective Stabler finds his personal and professional lives colliding after he learns that his daughter has fallen in with a bad crowd and is a suspect in a break-in, so he turns to his estranged mother and Detective Benson for help.

So Stabler, Eliot, is trying to get his daughter forcibly medicated.

Cast & Credits: Christopher Meloni, Mariska Hargitay, Richard Belzer, Ice-T, Diane Neal


TV14, English, Letterbox, 2008

Click here to see trailer

Now they are convincing the mom to take medication.

So, what is your take on all of this? I am against it. Maybe I don’t understand it. I don’t see how having the whole nation tied in to our record will solve our problems. Quite frankly I am glad my new docs don’t have access to my old records. Just because a doc says something or writes it on your chart…doesn’t make it true.

I think each doc should come to his or her own conclusions.  I also don’t understand what congress’ part is in this?  How is it the Congresses business to tell medical facilities how to keep records. What am I missing here?  Frankly I am all for a nationalized health insurance program, but I am against this.  And her reference that that this will create jobs….taking better care of people is what is needed….not doing something to create jobs.

I would like your comments.

Says modernizing records will save millions, protect patient privacy and create jobs

Washington, D.C. – Noting that electronic health records will be a critical component of health care reform, U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar called for a greater commitment to ensuring patient privacy while seeking safeguards for vital medical research and analysis.  The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on protecting the privacy of Americans’ health records was Klobuchar’s first as a member of the committee.  Klobuchar pressed witnesses on how best to develop a comprehensive system that will both gain the trust of patients and continue to allow needed medical studies.

“Information technology has transformed our country but the use of information technology in our health care system continues to lag far behind other industries,” said Klobuchar.  “The U.S. spends $2.3 trillion per year on health care – we must bring an end to the inefficiencies in our system to reduce waste, improve quality, and stimulate innovation.”

Klobuchar noted a study published last year in the New England Journal of Medicine that found that only four percent of U.S. physicians were using “fully functional” electronic records systems, and that missing medical records occur in one of every seven primary care visits.  The study showed that serious medical errors that come as a result of missing records are costly, time-consuming and preventable.

Witness John Houston, Vice President of Information Security and Privacy at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, argued the merits of a comprehensive national system, saying that a patchwork state-by-state approach would leave the country with an unworkable structure.

Deven McGraw, Director of the Health Privacy Project at the Center for Democracy and Technology, echoed Houston’s comments, saying that clear federal guidelines must be part of any system in order to ensure workability.

Health information technology (Health IT) provisions are currently in theconomic recovery package being considered by Congress.  Early government estimates project that the health IT provision will provide approximately 212,000 much-need jobs.

“We can utilize health IT to transform our current system, create jobs and reign in costs, but a successful national health records system must also include effective privacy and security protections,” said Klobuchar.

Saying that Minnesota is a leader in the medical community, Klobuchar asked witnesses about making sure that increased privacy provisions would not hinder the ability of hospitals and clinic to perform important clinical research.

Hi, I am just returning from the dentist’s office. I often wonder how bad some of the chemicals they us are for us…but on the other hand, I would have a mouthful of rotten awful teeth if it wasn’t for dentistry.
I hate when the needle for the Novocain is injected and I always use the gas to be able to tolerate the needle. I know I am probably a wimp, but I use the gas anyway

I opened my email and saw this article.

Don’t despair, understanding the three stages of learning.

I would say that my hubby is on step one or two. He recognizes that he is verbally abusive. Before he said that I was “too sensitive.”

But our educators would take issue with the example in this story where the woman recognizes she is angry and should walk away.  Our educators or our group leaders say this is why “anger management” doesn’t work. Walking away doesn’t stop the anger. You are still angry and it stops communication with the other person. You need to stop the false beliefs that cause you to get so inappropriately angry in the first place.

I was so happy when my hubby volunteered to take “anger management” classes. He is pretty smart and does well in an academic setting. I am also attending the classes for the partners of these men.

Well, the other day we learned that they really aren’t “anger management” classes….they are men’s support group. When I heard this, I became worried. I am worried that my hubby won’t relate to the other men.  My hubby has never physically hurt me….but his words are verbally abusive and in October I became fearful of him.

The leader of the men’s group says it is about changing beliefs that cause the anger in the first place.

I don’t know if they have shown him the power and control wheel or not. This power and control wheel is used the world over.

My husband was more verbally abusive…not that often and not so overt that it was obvious. He didn’t call me names that you would automatically say are bad. But here is a list of how people can be verbally abusive. List of controlling behaviors.

On overmedicating our kids for ADHD

90% of the world’s Ritalin use is prescribed to American children! Dr. Gary Kohls blames pharmaceutical companies and advertising. He feels kids are being misdiagnosed and treated for something they don’t have.

The song, entitled “SSRIs – S.S.R.Lies,” is Mike Adam’s of hip-hop answer to the child-destroying industry of modern psychiatry.

Hat tip to the SafeHarbor yahoo support group.


Mike says, “What’s important to note here is that the hip-hop music genre has the potential to reach teens and kids far better than articles or books. This song can get directly onto the iPods and computers of teens who need to hear this message, and they may begin to learn more about psychiatric drugs and resist being chemically abused by psychiatrists.

I have a problem letting go of a past relationship. Not my present husband, but I relationship that I have always mourned. I found this article helpful:

How to Let Go of Past Loves

It is the first article I have read that actually give techniques to stop the obsessive thoughts.

New article about Anti-psychotics linked to sudden cardiac arrest.

This news article tells us what we knew. I am so disappointed with my cousin’s doctors. They never told him anything about this. They never even weighed him. He gained 20 pounds in less than 1 1/2 months. And when he went to his GP..the gp gave him a hard time about stopping Zyprexa. The GP didn’t even say anything about all these side-effects. And to the p-doc’s credit…he told my cousin he didn’t have to take the Zyprexa for life…but that was never communicated to the GP

January 2009

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