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Our children are food illiterate.

I wondered what that was. I heard a story about a kid who was visiting and when the hostess put a baked potato on his plate he shrieked.  He didn’t know what one was.  He was eight years old and had never seen a potato or even know what one was. WOW!  That means his parents never cook. At least not in front of him.

You can read and or listen to the story here: Combating Food illiteracy

I went to Weight Watchers and I had lost 1.8 pounds since last week. I did try to0. When I went out of town, I brought a bag and little cooler of my own food. I counted my points for about one-half the week.

Hey, I am watching Good Morning America and they are saying get rid of all your conveniences. Get rid of the garage door opener, the remote control, the electric can opener etc.

Anyway, now I am two-tenths of a pound overweight. ( Actually 2.2 pounds overweight) I had been at goal for months and months. I go to Weight Watchers ever week even though I don’t have to. But going keeps me at goal…or catches me when I get overweight. The ladies there are really nice and hadn’t been charging me even though I was weighing in slightly over-weight for the past few weeks. Last week the charged me…$12.00. Maybe that’s what I needed.

Anyway, this week’s challenge is to eat a fruit I have never eaten previously. Well, that will be hard because I tried to eat local AND organic. I don’t there is a fruit I haven’t eaten that is local. Hmmm…maybe dandelion greens?

I will go to the chiropractor again in a few minutes for a laser treatment on my foot.


Well everyday I have something I could post, but I have been so busy.

Last week Weight Watchers give us a challenge: Everyday eat three colors on the rainbow from a fruit or a vegetable. Huh, I started out great guns, but I don’t know that I succeeded every single day. That’s really pathetic. I get so hungry that I eat a bowl of oatmeal or a banana. Not much color there.

I bought two baggies of snap peas and I have eaten half or them. I also bought baby carrots. I  have eaten half a tomato on spinach leaves.

Last week I was a little over 2 pound over my goal. And this week I didn’t try very hard to lose. In fact one day I over ate at two meals…but I did lose at weigh-in day. Eight tenths of a pound.

I have my support group tonight. One time they talked about “emotional eating”…but they push it (emotional eating) too…so it’s kinda crazy. People donate to this women’s shelter; things like candy bars, crackers, chocolate.  I think they encourage emotional eating. Once when the leader askrd everyone who had taken antidepressants to raise her hand, almost everyone did. I didn’t. Ha, they don’t know the half of it. Another time when I told woman about some of the problems I had, she said, “That’s a psychological disorder, you know.” Yeah, I know.

Hubby had a counseling session last night, I suppose I should phone him or meet him today to see how it went.

I have some other alternative health stuff I need to post too. Hopefully I get to it soon. I am trying to run a business and need to get at other stuff.

Dairy Queen cone

Yesterday I went to Weight Watchers.  I have gained 2.4 pounds. Ugh!

Well, I have been busy with lots of work projects and family from out of town had visited. I thought I had been careful about what I ate, but I did have several cans of Blue Sky Soda and some small Dairy Queens.

I used to be able to have a small cone and still lose or maintain weight, but I think they are making their small cones larger. On Monday I got myself a treat of a small cone telling myself I had maintained my weight before doing that. But when  the young woman put the small cone through the window to me, I wanted to say, “If that is a small cone I’ hated to see a large.” Hmm, I am going to have to rethink my strategy here. It seems everyone is super-sizing serving without you even asking. I think that they think that they are being nice, but in the long run they are not. Read the rest of this entry »

Hello, I am still here. Thought I should post something, but I have been pretty busy.  I have thoughts on quite a few things.  Like why am I so tired?  Maybe not eating right?  Maybe I have a lot of things going on, or it is stress? Maybe I am staying up later than I think and waking earlier than I think in order to accomplish my goals.

As some of you know I am living in a little studio apartment.  Everything I own is light weight so that I can move it myself if and when I decide to move.  Like I have an air mattress rather than a bed.

Anyway, when I moved out of the joint living space with my husband, I grabbed our  camping cook set for pots and pans and they are made of aluminum. I also have a little microwave. I am wondering if the aluminum cook set is bad for me. I have read and her that it possibility could cause Alzheimer’s disease. I had a friend over to my place last night and she brought her own tea. She doesn’t like microwaves and wanted me to boil water for the tea.  She wasn’t too thrilled with the aluminum pans either. She say glass or ceramic is best. She said the tea even tasted different.

I hope to research this topic more.

mmmmmmmmn goooooood!!!

mmmmmmmmn goooooood!!!

Thursday morning: Hi blog friends. I have been very busy and found this post in my draft list.  I first wrote this back in August. Wow…Lot’s have changed since then.  I live up north and the Dairy Queen opened last week, after being closed all winter. I got a small vanilla cone.  But this is a post about my favorite ice cream treat. 

(I lost weight at our last Weight Watcher’s meeting.) (I am busy trying to be gainingfully employed, figuring out our 2008 taxes with Turbo Tax and trying to figure out the Ticket to Work and AATakecharge.) So enjoy this post.



August 2008

A couple days ago I told you what I had for dinner and said we had a treat of Julie’s Organic Ice Cream….I couldn’t find the website for it because I thought it said, “Jules,” but it was “Julie’s” ….I don’t know why it didn’t show up in the web search…anyway….that is really good stuff.

Here’s the website

Oh, my goodness! I just figured out the point in this. You use a slide-rule type card that you get from Weight Watchers and take the calories….270 and line it up with the dietary fiber…..NONE in this case. You you then pull up the card in the window and line it up….yikes it 7 points!!!! practically a meal.  If you have this slide-rule type thing it is easy to figure out the points…

I found this unique advertising campaign for Organic products.

There is lots of great information on this link Organic Its Worth It.

Remember, just because it is organic doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a lot of sugar or fat…so choose wisely.

Remember my Cliff Bar?


In 2007, Americans consumed almost 5 billion pounds of seafood. Most seafood buyers, at many levels–importers, distributors, supermarkets, restaurants, and individual consumers–assume that the seafood they buy is what the seller claims it is. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes seafood products are mislabeled for financial gain–an activity called seafood fraud.

Read here

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